Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

10 Tips Untuk Fitness Sukses

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KapanLagi.com - Tak dapat dipungkiri kalau kebanyakan dari kita tak dapat menikmati fitness atau latihan. Juga sebuah kebenaran kalau setiap orang di dunia ini dapat keuntungan dari fitness dan program nutrisi yang tepat. Berikut 10 tips untuk mendapatkan latihan rutin Anda mulai hari ini.

1. Rancang Tujuan Ralistis Dan Nyata

Merancang tujuan sederhana seperti ingin mengurangi berat badan tidaklah efektif. Buat yang lebih spesifik. Sebagai contoh, 'Aku ingin mengurangi 10 kg hingga 5 September.

2. Ukur Peningkatan Anda

Ukur setiap peningkatan dan lakukan secara rutin. Anda tak dapat mengukur seberapa besar berat badan Anda berkurang saat Anda tak mengukurnya pada permulaan.

3. Buat Data Untuk Tiap Latihan

Masing-masing dan tiap sesi latihan harusnya di data. Pertahankan ukuran latihan Anda dan ciptakan jurnal sukses Anda sendiri.

4. Padukan Kardio Anda

Buat sesi kardio beragam secara intensitas dan panjangnya. Coba kardio baru dan pertahankan tetap segar.

5. Latihan Keras Bukan Hanya Untuk Pria

Setiap orang boleh berlatih dengan keras. Latihan keras membangun otot dan meningkatkan kepadatan tulang. Latih semua grup otot utama setiap 1-3 kali per minggu.

6. Istirahat

Cukup tidur selama 7 hingga 9 jam tiap malam. Begitu pula istirahatkan otot Anda dengan tidak melakukan latihan selama 1 hingga 2 hari setiap minggu.

7. Pemanasan

Lakukan pemanasan selama 5 hingga 10 menit sebelum Anda melakukan latihan inti. Anda harus mengawali dengan menaikan suhu tubuh terlebih dahulu.

8. Pendinginan

Lakukan pendinginan dengan perenggangan pada keseluruhan tubuh. Ini akan membantu meningkatkan flesibelitas dan mengurangi sakit pada otot di hari berikutnya.

9. Nutrisi Merupakan Setengah Dari Pertempuran

Konsumsi makanan dengan layak sebagai imbangan dari latihan rutin Anda. Makan makanan sehat dan tinggalkan diet ketat selamanya dalam kehidupan Anda.

10. Terus Beri Motivasi

Ajak teman untuk ikut berlatih atau lakukan latihan dengan pelatih pribadi. Lakukan apapun untuk membuat Anda berkomitmen. Jika Anda mulai kendor, usir rasa bersalah dan lakukan kembali latihan rutin Anda secepat mungkin.

Demikian 10 tips untuk membangun fondasi dari program fitness yang aman dan efektif. Siapapun dapat mengurangi lemak-lemak di tbuh dengan melakukan latihan yang realistis dan paduan nutrisi cukup. Jika Anda memiliki masalah kesehatan, lebih baik hubungi dokter Anda sebelum memulai melakukan fitness. Lakukan latihan secara rutin dan Anda akan lebih sehat serta bahagia dari hari ke hari.

Source : http://www.kapanlagi.com/a/10-tips-untuk-fitness-sukses.html

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Diving sees a fresh following

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Once considered a sport for only certain people, over the past five years diving has become the preferred leisure activity of many Indonesians. An increasing number of people, especially youngsters in urban areas, have been caught in the craze to get underwater and explore the natural beauty of Indonesia’s seas.

Some of them may have a genuine interest in learning about marine life, while others may be keen just because it is a growing trend.

“I have noticed growing numbers of people interested in diving at least since 2005. More diving clubs have been established and trips organized, which is exciting because divers now have more choices of playgrounds,” said Firman Adiyaksa, a diving instructor from the Sea Pearl Diving Center based in Grogol, West Jakarta.

Firman said at least 50 people take diving courses every month in Jakarta with around a third of these at Sea Pearl.

Thanks to the government’s promotion of marine tourism and extensive media campaigns, Indonesia’s beautiful diving sites are no longer the domain of foreigners alone. Indonesians have also been attracted to plunge into the deep water to see the beauty beneath.

“It is exciting [to see the trend] and it should be this way. Compared to other countries, we have the largest number of diving spots and the best diving sites in the world. We should do more to explore and enjoy our seas,” Firman said.

Thousands of people flocked to the “Deep Indonesia 2010” exhibition, the fourth such exhibition, held earlier this week in Jakarta. The event attracted a wide range of people including many interested in checking out the latest in water sports and adventures, including equipment and trips.

Women have made a substantial contribution to this trend. Five years ago, not many women were interested in getting wet and going underwater, because it seemed dangerous and could make the skin darker, going against the predominant Asian idea of beauty.

Ria Qorina Lubis said there were probably only two women for every ten divers back then, but now more women seem to be going on diving trips. Sometimes there are even women-only trips,
she said.

Ria, who along with 11 female divers, has established a Facebook group called “Female Divers Indonesia” to promote diving among women, said through the group people can get an increased awareness of the sport and women no longer need to feel afraid about jumping into the water and exploring its beauty.

The Facebook group currently has more than 500 members. It serves as a forum for discussion and general information about diving, safety and specific issue related to women such as diving and menstruation.

Ria has been interested in diving since early 2000, but only took a diving course in 2004. “I have watched too many TV programs showing off the wonder of underwater. Eventually, I get tempted and begin learning how to dive,” said Ria.

When she first set out to learn how to dive, Ria was unable to swim, so she took a swimming course before taking a diving certification program. Now she is an advanced diver and has a certificate to prove it.

“I have dived in several places in Indonesia including Bunaken and Tulamben. My favorite diving experiences were in Ambon and Banda Neira,” Ria said.
Diving also allowed Ria to explore underwater photography, who became interested in it shortly after learning how to dive.

“In the water, I see so many amazing things and feel I need to do something else other than just admire them. So I started taking pictures,” says Ria, adding that her pictures also serve as “evidence” for when she is discussing underwater discoveries with friends.

The photos she took have been published in several diving publications and displayed at SeaWorld in Ancol Dreamland park, North Jakarta.

“I am a regular contributor for a magazine. Some people also wanted to use my photos after they saw them on my Flickr account,” she said, adding that she had been employed to write a book on marine tourism.

People like diving for various reasons. For 46- year-old mum Anita Kolopaking, diving was a nature-related activity that she and her family wanted to try. Anita and her husband had introduced their children to adventure activities from a young age.

“I took my son on a rafting trip when he was three years old. My kids have also tried hang gliding,” Anita said, adding that she had wanted to go diving for a long time before she finally took the plunge.

“After postponing the trip because of busy schedules, we finally [took a diving course] last year. Since then we have gone on diving trips whenever possible,” she said, adding that whenever she goes diving she takes the whole family.

Bad weather and conflicting schedules often get in the way of family trips,

Anita said, adding that her family had already made plans for this year’s school holidays.

“We will go to Raja Ampat in Papua this July,” she said, referring to a site regarded as the best diving location in Indonesia.

Marissa Tiashanty is another nature lover who has become interested in diving over the past few years. Thanks to her husband’s job as an instructor, she goes diving at least once in a month.

“As an instructor, my husband often takes students to the Thousand Islands for their examinations. I usually help him with the administration and organizing of these trips so I can join the dives,” said

Marissa, who is also a committee member of the Indonesian Diving Association (POSSI) Jakarta chapter.

Aside from promoting diving as a sport, POSSI serves as a network for those interested in underwater sports, and often organizes programs with other organizations including the Maritime Affairs and

Fisheries Ministry and Culture and Tourism Ministry, to promote sustainable marine tourism.

Recreational diving has become a growing trend among Jakartans, she said. There is also a growing awareness that affordable trips are possible, which is encouraging for those who want to just give it a try, Marissa said.

“It can be expensive if we go on long trips, for example to Bunaken or Raja Ampat, but one can still enjoy a dive for Rp 500,000 [US$50] for a one-day trip to the Thousand Islands,” she said.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/03/21/diving-sees-a-fresh-following.html

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Tetap Senyum Disiram Hujan Saat Naik Motor

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KOMPAS.com — Hujan menjadi musuh nomor satu bagi pengendara motor. Namun, tak berarti semua aktivitas harus berhenti lantaran siraman air yang deras dari langit. Bagi para bikers, marilah membuat hal yang menyebalkan ini jadi menyenangkan. Bahkan, kedatangan hujan bisa disambut dengan senyum.

Ada tiga bagian penting yang menjadi perhatian jika Anda memang tetap ingin meluncur bersamaan dengan guyuran hujan. Apa saja itu?

Pertama, badan kita sendiri. Pakai jas hujan. Selain melindungi badan dari basah, jas juga melindungi kita dari kecelakaan. Jadi, untuk memudahkan gerakan badan, tangan, dan kaki, kenakan jas hujan model terpisah. Sementara itu, warnanya yang mencolok memudahkan pemakai jalan lain untuk bisa melihat Anda dengan jelas. "Saat hujan, jarak pandang berkurang," ungkap Eko Reksodipuro, instruktur safety riding.

Jangan gunakan jas berbentuk ponco. Selain berkibar dan tentu mengganggu keseimbangan, jas ponco juga bisa menyambar kendaraan lain. Selain itu, bawa pula sepatu cadangan. Jangan bungkus sepatu yang Anda pakai dengan kantung plastik karena licin.

Kedua, motor. Mesin perlu penyetelan ulang agar cocok dengan air, kelembaban, dan suhu dingin. Hindari membuka boks filter karburator agar air tidak menyusup ke ruang bakar. Tindakan itu, kata Sartogu Munthe (Kepala Bengkel Munthe Motor), membuat air di udara terbawa masuk ke ruang bakar.

Kemudian, cermati wilayah mesin yang rawan disusupi air, terutama jalur kelistrikan. Saat musim hujan begini, perhatikan juga profil (kembang) ban. Dodiyanto dari PT Gajah Tunggal menyarankan, bagi mereka yang sudah pakai ban kecil (drag) cepat ganti ke ban standar. "Saat musim hujan begini, cengkeram ban ke aspal harus lebar, tapi jangan terlalu lebar juga."

Ia juga menyerukan agar pengendara juga memerhatikan kembang ban. Pilih yang profilnya masih bagus untuk memecah genangan air, terutama yang coakan kembangnya lebih banyak atau groove. Jangan lupa juga dengan tekanan angin.

Ketiga, lingkungan sekitar. Ini adalah hal paling penting diperhatikan bagi sesama pengguna jalan. Terkadang, pengendara sepeda motor sering berlaku semena-mena, seperti berteduh di bawah jembatan layang atau underpass sehingga mempersempit badan jalan. Selain itu, ada pula yang parkir di trotoar. Ini tentu menyusahkan pejalan kaki. Sebaiknya tidak dilakukan. Sebaiknya, kalau memang terpaksa harus berteduh, parkirlah motor secara sejajar di belakang motor lain.

Source : http://otomotif.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/12/04/06355062/tetap.senyum.disiram.hujan.saat.naik.motor

Sudah 5 Tahun Jalan Rusak Tidak Diperbaiki

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Jakarta, Kompas - Jalan Inspeksi Kali Muara Karang Timur, Pejagalan, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, sudah lima tahun terakhir rusak parah. Perbaikan jalan ini sudah diusulkan melalui Musyawarah Perencanaan dan Pembangunan atau Musrembang Jakarta Utara. Namun, hingga kini perbaikan jalan itu belum juga terealisasi.

Jika kondisinya baik, jalan sepanjang 800 meter ini bisa menjadi akses alternatif apabila terjadi kemacetan di Jalan Jembatan Tiga dan Jalan Pluit Raya. Jalan ini juga menghubungkan Muara Karang dengan Pantai Indah Kapuk.

Kondisi jalan ini sudah tidak ada aspal. Jalan bergelombang dan berlubang. Jika musim hujan, jalan menjadi becek dan licin, sedangkan kalau musim kemarau, jalan sangat berdebu.

Eko, Ketua RW 16 Pejagalan, mengatakan, jika jalan ini tidak segera diperbaiki, dikhawatirkan jalan akan menjadi hilang. ”Bisa- bisa jalan ini dimanfaatkan orang yang mencari tempat hunian,” kata Eko.

”Kalau saja jalan ini dicor atau diaspal, sudah barang tentu warga banyak terbantu dan jalan ini bisa menjadi jalan alternatif bagi pengguna jalan untuk menghindari kemacetan,” tuturnya.

Maman Suparman, Kepala Suku Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Jalan Jakarta Utara, menjelaskan, perbaikan Jalan Inspeksi Kali Muara Karang Timur merupakan wewenang Dinas PU Jalan DKI Jakarta. Namun, Maman berjanji akan menyampaikan keluhan dan keinginan warga Pejagalan serta akan menerjunkan stafnya untuk mengecek dan menginventarisasi kerusakan jalan itu.

”Setelah mendapat hasil pengecekan, segera saya akan laporkan kepada dinas,” kata Maman.

Sementara itu, Pemerintah Kota Bogor memastikan akan membangun dua ruas jalan baru sepanjang 12 ,6 kilometer dan 5,4 kilometer mulai tahun 2010. Pembangunan jalan baru tersebut untuk merealisasikan jaringan jalan dalam kota, yang sudah lebih dari 20 tahun tidak bertambah.

Kepala Bappeda Kota Bogor Azrin Syamsuddin mengungkapkan hal itu dalam Musrembang Kota Bogor di Balaikota, Rabu (10/3). ”Saat ini dinas terkait tengah melaksanakan penyelesaian pembebasan lahan dan melakukan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungannya,” katanya.

Jalan baru itu menghubungkan Hanjarsari (Bogor Selatan) dengan Parung Kuda (Bogor Timur). Adapun jalan baru lainnya merupakan kelanjutan pembangunan jalan tembus dari persimpangan Jambu Dua (Bogor Utara) ke Parung Banteng (Bogor Timur).

Source : http://cetak.kompas.com/read/xml/2010/03/12/03375930/sudah.5.tahun.jalan.rusak.tidak.diperbaiki

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Teknik Melakukan Cornering

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Cornering atau berbelok pada tikungan, pastinya ada tekniknya agar cornering dapat dilakukan dengan aman dan membawa keselamatan untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain dijalan, cornering berikut gw bahas untuk dilakukan pada tikungan-tikungan yang cenderung luas / lebar jalannya. Ada 6 cara berbelok pada tikungan (cornering) yang aman:
  1. Kurangi kecepatan ketika akan memasuki tikungan, ambil sisi luar pada lajur (bukan jalur/jalan). Kenapa harus mengambil sisi luar pada jalur? karena hal ini dapat membuat kita melihat keadaan sekitar tikungan yang akan kita lalui.
  2. Lihat disekitar tikungan, jangan lihat ke bagian2 motor atau hal-hal lain yang tidak bersangkutan dengan tikungan. Pada saat melihat/memperhatikan tikungan, periksa keadaan disekitar tikungan, mulai dari kondisi jalan, keadaan dari jalur berlawanan, dan lain-lain. Fokuskan pandangan pada aspal(jalan) yang akan kita lalui, buatlah seolah-olah bayangan garis yang akan dilalui oleh motor kita pada aspal di ditikungan tersebut.
  3. Rebahkan (condongkan) badan kedepan sedikit, hal ini dilakukan untuk lebih memberikan penekanan pada bagian depan motor dan membuat motor lebih mudah dikendalikan saat akan memasuki tikungan, lebih siap bermanuver, dan lebih pasti dalam melakukan pencengkraman tuas rem. Rebahkan (condongkan) badan sedikit kedepan dan berpegang kuat pada kemudi.
  4. Ketika memasuki tikungan, rebahkan badan sesuai dengan arah tikungan yang ingin dilewati. Lakukanlah dengan cara perlahan, hal ini akan membuat motor dengan sendirinya membelok mengikuti arah kemiringan badan kita (*hal ini sering dilakukan oleh pembalap-pembalap motoGP).
  5. Selagi motor membelok mengikuti kemiringan arah badan, fokus pandangan tetap pada keadaan jalan, jangan pernah lengah / lepas dari pandangan selama kita melakukan hal ini.
  6. Saat motor masuk ke tikungan, perlahan putar gasnya untuk mendapatkan akselerasi, hal ini dapat membantu dalam mempertahankan traksi ban dan stabilitas dalam berkemudi. Tetap waspada dan fokus pada keadaan disekitar!!

Singkat kata dalam prakteknya gini nih….
(saat akan memasuki tikungan): beberapa meter sebelum tikungan ambil sisi paling luar dari jalur yang kita lewati, periksa spion, lakukan pengereman sampai mendapatkan kecepatan yang pas untuk melakukan cornering, liat ke tikungan, badan condong kedepan…

(saat masuk ketikungan): badan direbahkan sesuai dengan arah tikungan yang ingin dilewati, pandangan lurus kedepan, tetap perhatikan segala keadaan pada tikungan dan sekitarnya, putar gas lagi secara perlahan untuk mendapatkan akselerasi… ingat pengendara lah yang mengendalikan motornya, bukan motornya yang mengendalikan pengendaranya.

Dan ingat juga hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan satu syarat yang tidak dapat terpisahkan, yaitu kurangi kecepatan saat akan memasuki tikungan dan fokuskan pandangan pada jalur yang akan dilalui. Mohon tidak digunakan untuk kepentingan egoisme dan kegagahan semata, berbijaklah dalam mengambil tindakan dijalan.

Source : http://hmpcchaptersemarang.blogspot.com/2008/08/beberapa-teknik-dalam-melakukan.html

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Berkendara di Jalan Rusak

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Saat berkendara di Jalan yang rusak, berlubang, bergelombang, banyak kerikil, jelek deh pokoknya, ini menurut versi yang saya alami... Selain tidak nyaman, kondisi medan yang seperti itu jika tidak kita atasi dengan hati-hati juga sangat rawan. Nah apabila kita berada di jalan yang hancur seperti tersebut ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan
1. Dalam hal ini, kita tidak hanya melihat pandangan jalan yang sejajar dengan posisi mata kita, mata juga harus berkonsentrasi untuk melihat jalan, marka, dan memprediksikan perubahan kontur jalan.
2. Jarak Dengan kendaraan di depan, usahakan untuk jarak berkendara dengan kendaraan yang ada di depan kita minimal 10 meter, hal ini untuk mengantisipasi jika ada lobang atau jalan yang bergelombang jika kita berkendara terlalu dekat dengan kendaraan di depan kita, kita tidak bisa mengantisipasi jika ada lobang atau terjadi perubahan kontur jalan selain bisa merusak kendaraan kita, hal tersebut juga bisa membuat kita berada pada kondisi rawan
selain itu, jarak yang cukup jauh kita bisa membaca gerakan pengendara di depan kita sehingga lebih memudahkan kita untuk melakukan pergerakan.
3. Apabila kita melalui jalan yang bergelombang, kecepatan harus dikurangi, batasan kecepatan yang direkomendasikan tergantung dengan kondisi gelombang jalan.. Dalam hal ini usahakan kendaraan untuk bisa bergerak dengan baik dengan mengikuti kontur secara stabil
Dalam hal ini jangan sekali-sekali untuk mencoba menyalip. kontur jalan yang tidak rata akan mendorong pergerakan motor kita yang harusnya bergerak lurus, akan bergeser arah vektornya menjadi bergerak miring... Nah dalam hal ini pada saat menyalip, yang seharusnya bergerak sedikit melewati marka jalan bisa jadi malah bergerak ke arah marka jalur berlawanan... Sangat tidak direkomendasikan... jadi jangan memaksa untuk menyalip jika kondisinya tidak memungkinkan.
Saat jalan bergelombang, kuda-kuda kaki juga harus kuat, jika gelombang besar, mengankat sedikit pinggan kita akan lebih baik untuk mengurangi hantaman saat kita sedikit terpental..
4. Untuk jalan berlubang yang penuh air, akan sangat menyulitkan kita untuk memprediksi mana jalan yang berlubang atau tidak... Nah untuk hal ini yang harus kita lakukan adalah mengurangi kecepatan dan memilih jalan yang tidak ada genangannya, jika ada kendaraan di depan kita, kita perhatikan pergerakan kendaraan didepan kita untuk mendeteksi adanya lubang atau tidak...

Source : http://www.honda-tiger.or.id/forum/berkendara-di-jalan-t24616.html

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

7 Bikers 7 Motor 7 Kota dan 14 Negara Dalam 7 Hari

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Berawal dari pengalaman buruk saat ditinggal sang istri tercintanya karena terserang kanker. Dari sinilah 7 biker dengan 7 motor, berencana untuk melakukan aksi sosial penggalanagan dana dengan mengelilingi 14 negara Eropa dalam tujuh hari pada musim panas nanti.

Dana yang diperoleh rencanannya akan didonasikan untuk biaya perawatan pasien kanker.

7 Rider, 7 Bikes, 7 Cities, 7 Days dan 14 Countries. Komonitas yang menamai diri mereka sebagai Magnificent Seven ini, akan memulai aksi sosial mereka dari Newcastle pada 7 Juli (7/7), jam 7.07 pagi. Dengan menempuh jarak 3,700 mil, mereka akan melewati Prancis, Swiss, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Kroasia, Hungaria, Slowakia, Austria, Jerman, Luksemburg, Belgia, Belanda dan Republik Ceko.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Yamaha dan Honda Perang, Suzuki Ambil Ancang-ancang

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Honda dan Yamaha sama-sama sedang mempersiapkan beberepa generasi motor terbaru mereka. Mulai dari facelift hingga yang benar-banar baru, dari segmen matik hingga sport. Yamaha belum lama meluncurkan Mio 125 di Thailand dan dikabarkan akan hadir di pasar Indonesia. Begitupun dengan Honda yang menghadirkan matik PCX di negara yang sama. Bahkan prouduk matik PCX ini telah hadir di Indonesia melaui Importir Umum.

Tips Diet Sehat

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  • Pada saat sarapan kalau bisa pilih menu makanan yang tinggi seratnya ditambah minuman jus jeruk
  • Kalau suka minum teh, mendingan minum teh hijau setiap hari dimana dapat membantu membakar sekitar 70 kalori lebih dalam sehari
  • Kalau suka minum susu, sebaiknya jangan pilih yang fullcream. Silahkan konsumsi minuman susu yang rendah lemak
  • Perbanyak minum air putih. Banyak orang tidak bisa membedakan rasa lapar dan haus. Saat mengira merasa lapar (padahal, sebenarnya haus), Anda akan mengkonsumsi makanan (yang sebetulnya tidak perlu Anda konsumsi) lalu, bagaimana cara membedakannya? Minum segelas air dan tunggu hingga 10 menit untuk mengetahui apakah Anda masih lapar. Jika ya, berarti Anda memang lapar.
  • Makan dengan cara perlahan. Mengapa orang Amerika lebih rentan terkena obesitas daripada orang Prancis? jawabannya, bukan saja karena porsi makan orang Amerika lebih banyak, tetapi juga karena orang Prancis sangat menikmati makanan mereka dalam setiap kunyahan, sehingga cenderung makan secara perlahan. Hal ini menyebabkan perut akan lebih cepal terasa kenyang yang pada akhirnya turut membantu menekan selera dan porsi makan. Bagi Anda yang belum terbiasa, coba trik ini: letakkan sendok atau garpu saat Anda sedang mengunyah, minum air mineral setiap selesai mengunyah, dan kunyah makanan beberapa kali sebelum menelannya.
  • Gunakan piring yang lebih kecil. Kebiasaan di negara kita adalah menghabiskan makanan yang tersaji di piring, berapa pun jumlah kalori makanan dan ukuran piring tersebut. Untuk menyiasatinya, gunakan piring yang berukuran lebih kecil. Anda akan merasa kenyang dengan makan lebih sedikit.
  • Batasi karbohidrat. Makanan tinggi protein, misalnya ikan, merupakan pilihan makan malam terbaik untuk mengkontrol bobot tubuh. Ini karena protein membuat Anda kenyang lebih lama. Jika Anda ingin mengkonsumsi karbohidrat, hindari yang sederhana, karena lebih cenderung disimpan sebagai lemak ketimbang digunakan sebagai energi.
Mungkin itu aja tips sederhana mengenai diet sehat anda. Moga tips diet ini bisa dengan cepat dapat membuat anda langsing dan menjadi lebih pede dengan turunnya berat badan.

Source : http://pancallok.blogspot.com/2010/01/tips-diet-sehat-cara-menurunkan-berat.html

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Classic lamps, from Gunungkidul to the world

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Antiques sometimes offer greater appeal as shown by many hobbyists collecting ancient works of art, with soaring value the older the objects are.

It may be due to the popularity of antiques that the aluminum hanging lamps crafted by Rusmani (51), a resident of Garotan, Semin, Gunungkidul regency in Yogyakarta, have attracted a lot of visitors, who pass through his workshop every day despite the remote location of his home.

The man’s lamps emulate Dutch suspended lights of the 18th century, characterized by the form of an inverted parachute, with a parabolic white crystal glass shade and leaf-and-tendril ornaments made of cast copper or bauxite. Such a model was used to decorate Java’s courts and houses of the nobility.

At first glance, Rusmani’s lamps have an aristocratic look, except that Garotan products are made of cast aluminum rather than copper or bauxite and have electric lights. And they are certainly much cheaper than antique copper lamps.

So far Rusmani has produced five types of lamps of different sizes, weights, numbers of bulbs and accessories. The lightest one with a single bulb and simpler ornaments, weighing about 1.5 kilograms, costs only Rp 350,000 (US$35).

The most expensive, lavishly ornamented, high-capacity eight bulbs weighing more than 5 kilograms, cost Rp 5 million. There is also a standing lamp with one bulb as a special variant, at the price of Rp 400,000 per unit.

These products have drawn a large number of consumers over the last few years because of their quality and their close resemblance to antique lamps and the position of Rusmani as the sole craftsman of the kind in Yogyakarta.

Not surprisingly, the Gunungkidul regency administration has named the lamps as its prized industrial commodity.

Garotan lamps are sold around various regions in Java, with most of them installed in government buildings. Four years ago, foreign buyers from Greece, Malaysia and Holland started ordering them.
“A Dutch customer once ordered 200 units, which he said would be displayed in several European countries,” said Rusmani.

Hanging lamps have the double function of providing illumination and interior decoration. The ornamental lights emulate the style of Javanese joglo traditional houses or high-roof buildings.
Rusmani’s lamps are produced by casting melted aluminum bars particularly for ornaments or accessories.

After drying, they are taken out of their molds and smoothed using polishing machines. The finish is golden dark brown paint.

These ornaments are in knocked-down form for further fastening with bolts, so as to facilitate their movement or transportation if they have to be delivered to other regions. All the products are manually made.

“I order crystal shades from a businessman in Jakarta”, he continued.

With seven employees, Rusmani has a capacity of churning out around 200 lamps of various sizes. Aluminum is purchased from scrap collectors in Boyolali, Central Java, at Rp 14,000 per kilogram.
In his house-cum-showroom, he receives orders customers design. However, buyers placing orders with their own patterns are subjected to extra charges for this service.

“Besides lamps, we also produce tables, chairs, road lights and park lamps,” he added.

The business has earned Rusmani a good living. In addition, he can afford to send his three children to college. Meanwhile, he is also frequently invited to industrial exhibitions in different cities.

Many consumers have indicated Rusmani’s suspended lamps have a high sale capacity. Sadly, though, the lack of promotion and the less strategic production and showroom location have to some extent hampered the marketing of his products.

“It’s about 50 kilometers from Yogyakarta to reach his house through small village paths, which is rather difficult,” said Beni Kustanto, an architect and collector of art objects living in Sosrowijayan, Yogyakarta.

“If he relocates to the city, his market will surely grow stronger.”

His lamp-making business, which he began almost 15 years ago, began when he left his job in Semarang after several years and opened his own enterprise.

At first he produced tables and chairs, and park and road lights.

His choice of hanging lamps was based on the consideration that he was tapping into a niche with no rivals.

In his view, the most intricate part of the lamp-making process is ornament casting.

It demands accuracy and great patience because of the numerous tiny depressions to be filled by
pouring in aluminum, otherwise the cast pieces become brittle. It takes three days to finish one hanging lamp.

The fuel price hike some time ago also dealt a blow to his business. It was due to the use of kerosene to melt aluminum, thus inflicting losses with the price increase.

Later, an alternative fuel was used and came at a reasonable cost by mixing industrial diesel oil and gasoline. Rusmani’s business continues to grow.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/03/05/classic-lamps-gunungkidul-world.html

Forestry student's brainstorm in Bogor

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Forestry students from 32 countries got together in Bogor, West Java, to attend the 37th International Forestry Student Symposium (IFSS) from July 27 to Aug. 9.

The 90 students gathered at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture's (IPB) campus to discuss various forestry issues and to initiate reforestation programs.

The students came from Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, France, Finland, Australia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, as well as host Indonesia, among other places.

The coordinator of this year's symposium, Akhmad Viko Zakhary Santosa, a Gajah Mada University student, said that the event was jointly organized by his university and the IPB.

Viko said that the symposium was held annually to unite forestry students from the 48 member countries members of the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA). Last year's event was held in Bulgaria.

The meeting was aimed at generating ideas about how to sustain forests, mitigate the impacts of climate change and conserve the Earth's lungs.

The students also inspected a conservation project in Telaga village, which is part of the Kerawang industrial zone and visited a pulp and paper factory in Kerawang regency, Gunung Walat, IPB's education forest in Sukabumi, the Alas Purwo National Park in Yogyakarta and, finally, the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

"Through this international symposium we students want to deliver a message that the challenge and opportunity the Indonesian forests are now dealing with is part of the solution to the global forestry issues.

"The success of global environment preservation depends on forestry management in Indonesia where the government, industries and the people are involved," Viko said.

Julie Venne of Laval University, Canada, said that Indonesia has the world's most beautiful tropical forests and that it was lucky to have such vast areas of forests, but cautioned that they should be protected.

"I also admire the agro forestry in Telaga village," said Julie at the village.

Coordinator of the conservation project, IBG Permana, said the Telaga Village project is the work of 90 companies in the Kerawang International Industry City. Various trees for harvest are planted in a 3-hectare area of the industrial zone, which also features a model training facility for agro forestry, rice and fish cultivation.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/08/16/forestry-student039s-brainstorm-bogor.html

Aromatherapy for relaxation and body care

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Feeling over-worked and over-stressed with little time left to take care of your body? Nowadays you can relax with aromatherapy without having to spend hours in a salon.

Viko Collection Aromatic Therapy and Craft in Yogyakarta offers a range of aromatherapy products for relaxation, stress relief and body treatment.

Viko’s products are all derived from herbal extracts and their application for relaxation or body care can be conveniently done any time at home.

“For stress relief, people usually spend hours in a salon. We target the others, who are too busy to do so,” said Viko Collection owner Novi Gunarsanti.

In 2002, Novi and her husband Eko Mardi Bauski, 41, residing in Jogonalan Lor, Kasihan, Bantul regency, started the Viko Collection business — Viko being short for their names, Novi and Eko.

The idea of aromatherapy struck Novi as she was working with a trading firm in Yogyakarta. One day. Novi was asked to find herbal materials for aromatherapy.

“The job opened my mind. We’re rich in medicinal herbs, why not try this business myself,” recalled Novi.

Meanwhile, Eko, with his background in chemistry, was employed at a laboratory at the time and thus began to conduct trials. The couple experimented with different blends of extracts for aromatherapy.

After dozens of tests, they offered their herbal concoctions to buyers and the response was overwhelming.

“Our principle is simple. We have good and abundant herbal resources we prioritize quality instead of quantity,” said Eko.

To concentrate on making better quality products, Eko resigned from his job at the laboratory to concentrate on the business full time.

To expand into different markets, the husband and wife attended various trade fairs in different cities covering Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Bali and Yogyakarta.

“As quality comes first, we know our products will be consumers’ favorites despite the many competitors in the market. After a year’s promotion through displays, we started receiving orders,” noted Novi, who also left her job to pursue the enterprise.

To meet market demand, Novi’s aromatherapy preparations come in various forms such as incense sticks, cones, essential oils, potpourri and colorful seeds.

Sticks are burned to produce an aroma that relaxes the mind. An essential oil is simply mixed with water to the ratio of 1:10 before warming it for fragrance.

Incense sticks are made by gluing sawdust on sticks and soaking them in an aromatic mixture before being drained, whereas grains are dried and then immersed in an aromatic liquid to produce seeds.

“We have a mini test lab and use reference books to determine the benefits of our products. Materials are dried by draining without sunlight, let alone ovens,” Eko revealed.

Viko Collection now has 26 kinds of aromatherapy notably in liquids, sticks and small sticks for consumers to choose from, each with its own benefit. Lavender aromatherapy, for instance, relaxes nervous tension, induces sleep, calms down emotions and relieves head pain.

Green tea creates mental balance, while lotus overcomes nervousness and anxiety.
For body treatment, Viko Collection includes a shower blend containing 18 herbal extracts such
as rose, jasmine, fragrant grass, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, white turmeric, yellow tubers, citrus leaves and sappanwood chips. All these materials are gathered from coastal areas.

To use the shower blend pack worth Rp 10,000 (US$1), pour it into a liter of boiled water and mix the hot concoction with bath tub water bathing in it. A fragrant mixture for natural skincare can be used for intimate parts of the body, a court tradition that has been handed down for external body care and family harmony.

Another cosmetic product for smooth skin is available in refined yellow powder or lulur, made of various ingredients including rice flour, yellow tubers, honey, milk, cacao and coffee. All the therapeutic and beauty herbs are sold in Jogonalan, with Jakarta outlets in Lebak Bulus, Cikokol and Tanah Abang.

Prices of herbal products range from Rp 10,000 to Rp 20,000 per pack. An aromatherapy incense pack of 10 sticks, for example, costs Rp 10, 000, a pack 50-gram lulur Rp 10,000 and a shower blend pack is also worth Rp 10,000.

Viko’s collection is also known abroad, with regular buyers from Armenia, Italy, Australia, Spain, Japan and several other European countries. Its domestic market covers salons, spa parlors, hotels, restaurants and other places of relaxation in major cities.

The couple’s business has an average turnover of Rp 100 million per month. “Sometimes it reaches Rp 200 million,” claimed Novi. They couple were confident the demand for their herbal products would continue to expand regardless of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), which has been causing anxiety in business circles.

“We have a competitive advantage with unequalled medicinal herbs, so why worry about the ACFTA?” Novi concluded.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/03/03/aromatherapy-relaxation-and-body-care.html

The new cult of jazz

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Jazz, unlike rock and roll, is not the type of music to die for. It is very unlikely jazz will ever draw serious devotion and adulation from its fans.

In fact, it is almost improbable a cult will form around trumpet player Wynton Marsalis or jazz guitarist Lee Ritenour. As far as I know, guitarist Pat Metheny never had a problem with groupies hounding his every show.

Fans of this musical genre are likely bookish grad school students, college professors who despise classical music, jazz musicians themselves and/or promoters of their shows.

As a result jazz performances tend to be an orderly affair in which the audience is present only for the bass solo or piano coda. A jazz show is merely an extension of one’s home library or hotel lounge — only more sizable — where jazz music is traditionally played.

Java Jazz has tried to prove this notion wrong. And it is safe to say that in the past five years the raison d’ĂȘtre of the jazz festival is to show jazz performances can be colorful events, no less vibrant that rock festivals populated by adoring fans and to-die-for musicians.

And if only Peter Gontha of Java Jazz had managed to bring rock legend Santana to Jakarta for this year’s festival, Java Jazz metamorphosis into a rock-heavy festival would have been complete.

But even without Santana or Norah Jones, this year’s festival will still be a vibrant cultural event for Jakarta as Java Jazz has in the past years managed to build a community of jazz lovers, if not a cult of followers.

Last year, albeit dogged by massive traffic jams, heavy downpour and inflated refreshment prices, more than 30,000 people showed up every day during the three-day festival.

The massive turnout was partly the result of Java Jazz’s strategy to give a crossover feel to the festival by bringing in pop performer Jason Mraz, R&B crooner Peabo Bryson and mixing them with jazz stalwarts like Dutch singer Laura Fygi and latin Jazz purveyor Matt Bianco.

Jazz purists may have cried foul against the lineup, but Gontha has an explanation for it. “No one wants to see a jazz performance if you don’t put big names on stage,” Gontha said to silence his critics last year.

But I believe that when Java Jazz brought — in its second year — the godfather of soul Bobby Brown, these jazz purists were more than happy to join the ride in 2005. And when the soul legend passed away one year later, everyone in Jakarta, jazz purists or otherwise, owed Peter Gontha a huge apology.

The same skepticism could be heard earlier this year, when Java Jazz organizers disclosed the festival line-up, which includes soul singer John Legend, R&B singer Toni Braxton, singer songwriter Diane Warren and Malaysian legend Sheila Madjid.

But even those who do not have a problem with soul or R&B singers turning up in a jazz show will still begrudge the fact that veterans like Braxton and Warren — whose top 10 hits were registered at the pop chart more than two decades ago — were invited to perform at Java Jazz.

But who are we to complain? At the very least Braxton and Warren are relevant for some of Jakarta’s well-heeled music fans as opposed to nameless, faceless, American emo bands that Jakarta music promoters have continuously shoved down our throats in the past couple of months.

We cannot be more grateful also because the shelf life of the Braxtons and Warrens of this world have not fully expired and the trails of their genius can still be felt today, unlike some hair metal have-beens who shamelessly tour the country for nostalgic purposes.

Java Jazz promoters, so confident this line-up would generate massive interest from Jakarta music lovers, decided to relocate the venue from the highly accessible Jakarta Convention Center in downtown Jakarta to the Jakarta Fairground.

A rock festival atmosphere will certainly transpire in this year’s Java Jazz with four of the 17 stages erected outdoors. Let the party begin.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/03/05/the-new-cult-jazz.html

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Active & Passive Verb

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Active / Passive Verb Forms

Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have "active forms" and "passive forms." You must learn to recognize the difference to successfully speak English.

Active Form

In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. Most sentences are active.

[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action]


Passive Form

In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]


Active / Passive Overview

Active Passive
Simple Present
Once a week, Tom cleans the house.
Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.
Present Continuous
Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.
Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.
Simple Past
Sam repaired the car.
The car was repaired by Sam.
Past Continuous
The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
Present Perfect
Many tourists have visited that castle.
That castle has been visited by many tourists.
Present Perfect Continuous
Recently, John has been doing the work.
Recently, the work has been being done by John.
Past Perfect
George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.
Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license.
Past Perfect Continuous
Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris.
The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.
Simple Future
Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.
The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.
Simple Future
be going to
Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight.
Future Continuous
At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes.
At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John.
Future Continuous
be going to
At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes.
At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are going to be being washed by John.
Future Perfect
They will have completed the project before the deadline.
The project will have been completed before the deadline.
Future Perfect
be going to
They are going to have completed the project before the deadline.
The project is going to have been completed before the deadline.
Future Perfect Continuous
The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.
Future Perfect Continuous
be going to
The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.
Used to
Jerry used to pay the bills.
The bills used to be paid by Jerry.
Would Always
My mother would always make the pies.
The pies would always be made by my mother.
Future in the Past
I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.
I knew the work would be finished by 5:00 PM.
Future in the Past
Was Going to
I thought Sally was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
I thought a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight.

Source : http://fidokaantutorial.blogspot.com/2009/01/active-passive-verb-forms.html
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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Full Name
Place, Date of Birth
Marital Status
Height, Weight
: Khoirul Adi Wicaksono
: Male
: Semarang, January 12, 1988
: Indonesia
: Single
: 170 cm, 80 kg
: Perfect
: Moslem
: JL.Pendidikan III /60 Cijantung,Pasar Rebo,Jakarta Timur 13770
: 085695554850
: vega_dubholic@yahoo.co.id

Educational Background

1994 - 2000
2000- 2003
2003- 2006
2006- 2010
: Pangudi Rahayu Elementary School, Jakarta
: Junior High School 223, Jakarta
: Senior High School 98, Jakarta
: Management Department at the Gunadarma University, Depok

Course & Education

2002- 2003

: English Language Course at LBA LIA,Jakarta

  1. Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
  2. Internet Literate.

Jakarta, March 6, 2010

Khoirul Adi Wicaksono

Senin, 01 Maret 2010


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Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) menjelaskan bahwa sebuah kegiatan bertentangan dengan kegiatan yang lain. Conditional yang paling umum adalah Real Conditonal dan Unreal Conditonal, kadang-kadang disebut juga if-clauses.

Real Conditional (sering juga disebut juga dengan Conditional Tipe I) yang menggambarkan tentang mengandai-andai sesuai dengan fakta.

Unreal Conditional (sering juga disebut sebagai Conditional Tipe II) yang menggambarkan tentang pengandaian yang tidak nyata atau berimajinasi.

Ada juga Conditional yang ke-3 yang sering disebut dengan Conditional Tipe III, digunakan sebagai penyesalan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan zero conditional, digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang sudah pasti benar.

Catatan: Jika klausa "if" diletakkan di awal kalimat, kita harus menggunakan �koma�. Sebaliknya jika klausa "if" berada di belakang, maka tidak perlu ada koma

Zero Conditional

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum. Tense yang digunakan biasanya Present Simple Tense


(Klausa IF)

(Induk Kalimat)

If you heat water to 100�C,

it boils.


(Induk Kalimat)

(Klausa IF)

Water boils

if you heat it to 100�C,


  • If you drop an apple, it falls. = An apple falls, if you drop it.
  • If you don't do your homework, I will be disappointed. = I will be disappointed, if you don't do your homework.

Catatan: Pada tipe ini, �if� sering digantikan dengan "when"

Conditional I

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengandaian yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang dan pengandaian ini bisa saja terjadi. Klausa �if� biasanya dalam bentuk Present Simple Tense.


(Klausa IF)

(Induk Kalimat)

If I see you tomorrow,

I will buy you a drink.


(Induk Kalimat)

(Klausa IF)

I will buy you a drink

if I see you tomorrow.

Kita sering menggunakan unless yang artinya 'jika... tidak.


(Klausa IF)

(Induk Kalimat)

Unless you hand in your homework,

I won't mark it.


If you don't hand in your homework,

I won't mark it.


(Induk Kalimat)

(Klausa IF)

I won't mark your homework

unless you hand it in.


I won't mark your homework

if you don't hand it in.

Catatan: Kita tidak pernah menggunakan will, atau won't dalam Klausa IF.


  • If I have time today, I will phone my friend. = I will phone my friend, if I have time today.
  • If I go to England, I will buy some Cheddar cheese. = I will buy some Cheddar cheese, if I go to England.

Conditional Tipe II

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak nyata di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang. Tipe ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah harapan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam klausa IF adalah Past Simple Tense.


(Klausa IF)

(Induk Kalimat)

If I won the lottery,

I would buy a new house.


(Induk Kalimat)

(Klausa IF)

I would buy a new house

if I won the lottery.

Catatan: Jangan gunakan would atau wouldn't dalam Klausa IF.


If I were you, I wouldn't do that. = I wouldn't do that, if I were you.

If I had more time, I would do more on my websites. = I would do more on my websites, if I had more time.

Conditional Tipe III

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah kondisi di masa yang lampau yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi. Sering digunakan untuk mengkritik atau penyesalan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam Klausa IF adalah Past Perfect Tense.


(Klausa IF)

(Induk Kalimat)

If I had worked harder,

I would have passed my exam.

If I had worked harder,

I could have passed my exam.

If I had worked harder,

I should have passed my exam.


(Induk Kalimat)

(Klausa IF)

I would have passed my exam

if I had worked harder.

I could have passed my exam

if I had worked harder.

I should have passed my exam

if I had worked harder.

Catatan: Jangan gunakan would have atau wouldn't have, dll dalam Klausa IF.


  • If I hadn't helped you, you would have failed. = You would have failed, if I hadn't helped you.
  • If it had been sunny, we could have gone out. = We could have gone out, if it had been.

Source : http://ismailmidi.com/berita-140-conditional-sentences.html